Dirty Equipment
Venegas lippi
Director, performer and actress with a degree from Duoc UC, a diploma in Theater Direction from the Finis Terrae University and a diploma in Dramatherapy from the University of Chile and a diploma in Arts and Culture Management from the Alberto Hurtado University. He has specialized in various body disciplines such as butoh dance, physical theater, and performance. In 2014, Colectivo Vinario y Compañía la ropa sucia is formed.
To date to Directed 7 montages (Performance and Theater), Too doing classes in Universities inside and outside country.
Throughout his training, he has been developing a methodology called "Emptiness and Present" for 8 years, a methodology studied through performance, anthropology and theater, which seeks to work on the limit of the body and biographical records.
Gabriel Aravena
Titled actor from Duoc UC. He began his career with the play "They" (Los Indignados Company), with which he participated in various festivals. Later he worked in the work "Bureaucrats" (Foundation for El Progreso). From 2016 to 2020 I carried out an investigation of interventions in collective locomotion, working on the “invisible theater”, putting the SENAME problem in the foreground. In the audiovisual field, he has participated in various series, webseries, short films and feature films. His participation in the film "Perro Bomba" stands out. Currently, he is part of the animation of the Sodimac “Manitos a la Obra” program. As part of La Ropa Sucia, she has worked on “Anel”, “Culposos”, “Berta” and “Eternos Hielos”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.
Titled career actress "Performance and stage communication" from Uniacc University, diploma in improvisation and vocal performance with the Royhart technique at Universidad de Chile, and diploma in Circus and entrepreneurship from the school Circus of the World.
She is currently a teacher of communication skills and body expression for children with Down syndrome at the Almaluz Foundation, she develops as a monitor of theater workshops in schools and houses of culture. In addition, he directs and actively participates in the interventions of the Red Shoe group.
In La Ropa Dirty she works as an actress in the play “Berta”.