The colors, textures and designs that we choose are the first thing that the public has as a precedent of the work, so each decision made must come from an honest, concise and coherent design, which is based on a previous investigation of what is wanted. communicate.
The aesthetic comes to complement the communicational objectives, it does so without interrupting, but without going unnoticed. It is pertinent that this scenic layer be understood clearly, but that it is grounded in such a way that it is not an empty and superficial design. The makeup, costumes and scenery are one more character, one more voice that provides information necessary to understand the work.
We design something that is related to our objectives, that talks about other things that we are not capable of communicating with our body, that transmits sensations and emotions; We stimulate our creativity in a three-dimensional way, to generate an honest experience both for us as performers and for the audience. "